The Personalist Project

A personalist President?

In an op-ed at NRO today, Rick Santorum lays out his basic philosophy, not just of governing, but of "life and reality."  

I have become a radical believer in every person’s human dignity. It is the driver of my worldview, and therefore in conclusion I believe:

Every person, whether the baby in utero, my little girl Bella with her challenges, or the AIDS orphan in the inner city, has inherent dignity, and we must do all we can to preserve and respect that dignity.

Government has to be strong enough to protect human life, but limited enough to never exploit it.

As our founders recognized religion as an “indispensable support” to the health of society and necessary for the understanding of human life, government should never inhibit or discourage its role in the public square.

It's worth reading in full.

Comments (2)

Bill Drennen

Jan 3, 2012 4:11pm

excellent Rick! I met him and I believe him but I also don't believe he can beat Obama which is more important!

Katie van Schaijik

Jan 3, 2012 4:41pm

He certainly has a lot to prove in the coming weeks and months.

Anyway, I'm thinking it can only do Romney good if conservatives rally behind a viable alternative.