The Personalist Project

Hatred of the Church

While readers of the Linde know how little amenable I am to defenses of the Church that center on comparable statistics of sex abuse outside the Church or the great new prevention policies within the Church, I’m all ears for those that justly expose the hatred of Truth and all moral absolutes that animates so much of the secular media’s poisonous and dishonest attacks on Pope Benedict.

This American Spectator piece by George Neumayr is a great exhibit of the type I approve with all my heart. Here’s a sample paragraph:

For an elite drunk on its own enlightenment, the ends will always justify the means against religion. So what, Keller figured, if my reporters could only come up with straining, half-baked pieces that cast fragments of information about Benedict in the worst possible light? Let’s run them anyways, so that the forces of tolerance can triumph over the forces of absolutism!

However egregiously the Church may have failed in living up to her mission, which vision of human life would is more conducive to the dignity of persons and the welfare of children? One that sees each and every individual as made in the Image and Likeness of God, with an immortal soul, infinitely precious and valuable and destined to live with God forever, but in freedom and not by force, so that our eternal salvation or damnation lies—at least in one crucial sense—lies in our free will? Or one that sees human life as the result of the random mutations of the material world?