The Personalist Project

Leg logos (aka legos)

Shirt logos are so commonplace nowadays that I rarely think about them. But sometimes, when I go shopping with my boys for instance, they still bother me. Why is it that we all accept this form of advertising? Why do we allow ourselves to be used in this way? Why, in fact, do we often have to (or want to) pay extra for the ads?

It is not just boys or sports clothing either. Even dressier shirts usually have logos on them, small but instantly recognizable. 

I know, I know. It is not a big deal. It may be a subtle form of objectifying ourselves, of allowing ourselves to be used as billboards, but I agree that it is too insignificant to make an issue out of.

But what are we to think about this new development I read about this morning: Japanese women renting out their thighs as advertising space? Is this okay?

These "legos" are certainly a much bigger deal than the logos mentioned above. Here are some of the reasons why:

What do you think? Worth making a fuss over, or should we see it as a great opportunity and send temporary Personalist Project tattoos to all our members. (Men would be asked to place them on their biceps.)